——胡雪岩的亚欧印记 Connection and Exchange between China and the World ——Hu Xueyan and His Business with Asia and Europe 展览时间: 2023年6月21日-2023年12月31日 展览地点: 胡雪岩故居和乐堂
主办单位: 杭州西湖风景名胜区管理委员会 承办单位: 杭州西湖风景名胜区凤凰山管理处 杭州胡雪岩研究会 展览亮点 迎接国际盛会,融入亚运元素 展览以“迎亚运”为主题,突出亚洲元素。以胡雪岩的贸易路线为展览思路,展现胡雪岩与日本、朝鲜、东南亚、英、法、德等多个亚欧各国和地区的贸易往来和文化交流。在亚运会举办期间,展现中国与亚洲各国的文明交流与文明互鉴。
丰富展陈内容,提升参观体验 展览结合晚清时期的金融大背景,深入挖掘胡雪岩的个人经历,通过他的国际化商业贸易网格,展现其开放的思想、精彩的人生。在丰富展陈内容,提升参观体验的基础上,更好地服务广大观众。
鸦片战争后,中国社会面临着千年未有之变局。一方面是国力日益衰落,内忧外患,亟需变革;一方面被迫对外开放通商,见识到国外现代商业发展优势,国人开始惊醒并意识到发展商业及贸易的重要性,开始逐渐转向重商主义经济政策。 东南地区一直就有较为发达的商品经济基础,清代晚期,随着通商口岸的增辟,大批外国商人纷至沓来,在华洋行持续增加,商贸流通愈加繁荣。与此同时,在洋务运动“官督商办”的经济改革背景下,出现了一批担任进出口贸易代理人的买办角色,胡雪岩即为其中的杰出代表之一。他以钱庄起家,不仅与欧美各外国银行有业务往来,其生丝、军火、药材等进出口贸易,更是在亚洲多个国家和地区留下了商业轨迹。本次“交通中外——胡雪岩的亚欧印记”展览,以胡雪岩的金融、贸易为核心,通过他与亚欧各国、各地区的联接,汇织成一幅国际化的金融与贸易网格,从而展示晚清时期的金融格局与革新变化以及中外贸易往来和文化交流。 “杭州第19届亚运会”举办在即,也希望借此展览助力亚运,增添杭州文化魅力和亚运色彩。After the Opium Wars, China was confronted with unprecedented social and economic changes. Due to internal problems and foreign invasions, the Qing dynasty was on the wane, and the Qing government was compelled to implement reforms and was forced to open up several ports for foreign trade. The whole nation, after seeing the advantages of the economic modernization of the Western countries, gradually awakened to the importance of the development of commerce and trade, and started to adopt mercantilist economic policies. Southeast China has always been a pillar of the country’s commodity economy. In the late Qing dynasty, with the opening of ports for foreign trade, legions of merchants coming from overseas brought a growing number of foreign firms and a boost in commercial activities. In the meantime, in the economic reform that advocated “government-run and merchant-managed” enterprises during the Self-strengthening Movement, emerged a number of compradors serving as import-export agents, among which Hu Xueyan was an outstanding one. He started his career in private banking, and became a business magnate who had dealings not only with Western banks, but also with various countries and regions in imports and exports of raw silk, arms and herbal medicine.This exhibition, focusing on Hu Xueyan’s exploits in finance and trade, presents an international business network of his dealings with multiple countries and regions of Asia and Europe, which offers a glimpse of the development of finance in China during the late Qing dynasty as well as China’s commerce and cultural exchanges with other nations at the time.
As the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou is approaching, we hope this exhibition could add a touch of glamour to the culture of Hangzhou and help creating a strong atmosphere to welcome Hangzhou Asian Games. 感谢原文作者及发布媒体为此文付出的辛劳,如有版权或其他方面的问题,请与我们联系。本文仅供参考,不代表杭州文史网观点 |