Controversy over the Imperial Temple in Song China (960–1279) 作者:Cheung Hiu Yu 出版社:香港大学出版社 出版时间:March 2021
页数:232 pages 6" x 9", 6 illustrations
Empowered by Ancestors: Controversy over the Imperial Temple in Song China (960–1279) examines the enduring tension between cultural authority and political power in imperial China by inquiring into Song ritual debates over the Imperial Temple. During these debates, Song-educated elites utilized various discourses to rectify temple rituals in their own ways. In this process, political interests were less emphasized and even detached from ritual discussions. Meanwhile, Song scholars of particular schools developed various ritual theories that were used to reshape society in later periods. Hence, the Song ritual debates exemplified the great transmission of ancestral ritual norms from the top stratum of imperial court downward to society. In this book, the author attempts to provide a lens through which historians, anthropologists, experts in Chinese Classics, and scholars from other disciplines can explore Chinese ritual in its intellectual, social, and political forms. 張曉宇,文學士、碩士 (香港中文大學);博士 (亞利桑那州立大學),香港中文大學歷史系助理教授,研究興趣集中在中國中世思想和社會領域,尤其關心唐、宋時代的士大夫思想與及經學理論。舉凡經籍註疏、文人書信、奏章、詩文、碑銘文字、小說戲文、日常類書等,都是我所注意的文獻。至於研究的核心問題,則在於中古時代讀書人是怎麼理解、整理和傳播「知識」的。我現在的研究計劃聚焦在北宋思想和學術界,特別是北宋新學和道學之間的複雜關係。我相信有些概念是貫通古今,心同理同的。從這個意義來說,針對過去思想的研究正是我們現代人反思自身意識的起點。研究專長:道學形成史、皇家禮儀史、禮學與禮典研究、中國史學史、儒家思想概念史、殖民與後殖民主義、唐宋文學研究。著有《奩中物: 宋代在室女財產權之形態與意義》、《學統四起下的北宋古禮運動: 陳烈事跡的一個思想史考察》等。
“Cheung knows the history and culture of China’s Imperial Temple system best and pulls together a decade of research to share his mature reflections. Most modern scholars have avoided this arcane institution; Cheung clarifies its role in Song political culture, its influence in late imperial China, and its legacy in contemporary constructions of cultural memory and legitimacy.” —Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, Arizona State University; coauthor of Cultural Authority and Political Culture in China: Exploring Issues with the Zhongyong and the Daotong during the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties
“Professor Cheung helps us wrap our minds around the weight Song Confucian scholars put on reviving ancient rituals. He does this by digging deeply into their positions on the arrangement of the Imperial Ancestral Shrine and placing their contentions in both political and intellectual contexts.” —Patricia Ebrey, University of Washington; author of Confucianism and Family Rituals in Imperial China: A Social History of Writing about Rites
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